
The following resources are part of this group:



Returns the fundamental components of all running flow contexts within executing flow charts that match the specified search criteria, which are described in the method parameters. Search criteria include namespace, super-state, sub-state, engine name, action name, and a message filter. Results are ordered by namespace. If two results have the same namespace (that is, a flow chart has split into multiple execution flow contexts), then those results are returned in an arbitrary order.


name description type default
namespaceFilter A number of flow charts in the hierarchical flow chart namespace. The namespace may include the wildcard characters "*" and "?". The "*" character matches any character zero or more times, and the "?" character matches any character exactly once. query /
engineFilter All results contain an engine that matches engineName. If null, results can contain any engine name. query
actionFilter All results contain an action that matches actionName. If null, results can contain any action name query *
messageFilter All results include messages that contain the messageFilter in its entirety. If null, results can contain any message. query
flowChartStatus All results contain a sub-state that matches one of the specified sub-states. If null, results can contain any sub-state. query
sort (no documentation provided) query namespace
dir (no documentation provided) query asc
page Page number to retrieve. If empty, defaults to 1. query 1
pageSize Specify number of flow charts per page. If empty, defaults to 10. query 10

Response Body

element: actions
media types: application/xml

The fundamental components of all running flow contexts within executing flow charts that match the specified search criteria.



Generates HTML Documentation for the specified flow chart namespace.


name description type default
namespace The flow chart namespace. query

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: text/html

HTML documentation for the specified flow chart namespace.



Forces the specified flow charts to be executed as soon as possible.


name description type default
namespace A number of flow charts in the hierarchical flow chart namespace. The namespace may include the wildcard characters "*" and "?". The "*" character matches any character zero or more times, and the "?" character matches any character exactly once. form

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: text/plain

The number of flow charts that were expedited.



Interrupts the specified flow charts as soon as possible.


name description type default
namespace A number of flow charts in the hierarchical flow chart namespace. The namespace may include the wildcard characters "*" and "?". The "*" character matches any character zero or more times, and the "?" character matches any character exactly once. form

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: text/plain

The number of flow charts that were interrupted.



Checks if the same workflow already exists on the engine.

Request Body

element: (custom)
media types: multipart/form-data

Flow chart FFC file

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: text/plain

true, if the workflow is the same workflow on the engine.



Returns the namespaces that are executing on the engine.

Response Body

element: namespaces
media types: application/xml

The namespaces that are executing on the engine.



Pauses all flow charts specified by a hierarchical flow chart namespace expression.


name description type default
namespace A number of flow charts in the hierarchical flow chart namespace. The namespace may include the wildcard characters "*" and "?". The "*" character matches any character zero or more times, and the "?" character matches any character exactly once. form

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: text/plain

The number of flow charts that were paused.



Adds a flow chart to engine.

Request Body

element: (custom)
media types: multipart/form-data

Flow chart FFC file

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: text/plain

The name of the flow chart exported to engine.



Adds a flow chart to engine with variables.

Request Body

element: (custom)
media types: multipart/form-data

MultiPart containing flow chart and variables data

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: text/plain

The name of the flow chart exported to engine.



Restarts all flow contexts that are in the ERROR super-state and the FAILED sub-state from the beginning of the main-line (not the default error handler) flow chart transaction that led to the FAILED state.


name description type default
namespace A number of flow charts in the hierarchical flow chart namespace. The namespace may include the wildcard characters "*" and "?". The "*" character matches any character zero or more times, and the "?" character matches any character exactly once. form
skipOffendingAction (no documentation provided) form

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: text/plain

The number of flow contexts that were recovered.



Removes executing flow charts from the engine.


name description type default
namespace A number of flow charts in the hierarchical flow chart namespace. The namespace may include the wildcard characters "*" and "?". The "*" character matches any character zero or more times, and the "?" character matches any character exactly once. form

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: text/plain

The number of flow charts that were removed.



Restarts all flow charts specified by a hierarchical flow chart namespace expression. Restarting a flow chart re-executes it from the very beginning without saving any data from its previous execution.


name description type default
namespace A number of flow charts in the hierarchical flow chart namespace. The namespace may include the wildcard characters "*" and "?". The "*" character matches any character zero or more times, and the "?" character matches any character exactly once. form

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: text/plain

The number of flow charts that were restarted.



Resumes all flow charts specified by the hierarchical flow chart namespace expression. The namespace may include the wildcard characters "*" and "?". The "*" character matches any character zero or more times, and the "?" character matches any character exactly once.


name description type default
namespace A number of flow charts in the hierarchical flow chart namespace. form

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: text/plain

The number of flow charts that were resumed.



Removes all elements in the repository in the specified namespace.


name description type default
namespace A namespace of repository elements. query

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: */*

The number of elements in the specified the repository.



Schedules a flow chart to engine with variables from repository.

Request Body

element: (custom)
media types: multipart/form-data

MultiPart containing template name and variables data

Response Body

element: (custom)
media types: text/plain

The name of the flow chart scheduled on the engine.