Package flux

File Orchestration Solutions for Banking and Finance


Interface Summary
AbstractFlowContextStatus Represents the state of a running flow context within an executing flow chart.
Action Actions are the basic building blocks of a flow chart.
ActionHistory Contains historical timestamps for an action or trigger in a flow chart.
ActionHistoryIterator Contains historical timestamps for actions or triggers in a flow chart.
ActionListener The listener interface for an action.
AllowableBusinessInterval Indicates whether a business interval permits a job to run on a specific date.
AlwaysSerialized AlwaysSerialized is a marker interface similar to
AuditTrailTrigger Fires when an audit trail event that matches certain criteria is reported to the audit trail.
BusinessInterval Defines intervals of time that indicate when business operations may take place.
BusinessIntervalElement Represents one element of a business interval, including the operation.
BusinessIntervalFactory Creates and manipulates BusinessInterval objects.
CatalogNode Represents a trigger or action within the tree of actions.
Condition Represents an idempotent (no side-effect) expression that is evaluated to determine whether a particular flow in a flow chart should be followed.
ConsoleAction Prints a message to the console, that is, stdout or stderr.
Cron Represents a time specification in the traditional Cron style.
CronForLoop A new Cron "for" loop represents a timing loop.
CronOr A Cron "or" represents a logical "or" of many Cron slices.
CronSlice Represents a contiguous subset of Cron columns.
DatabaseActionInfo Abstract interface that defines methods to provide database actions with information about how to connect to a database.
DatabaseConditionAction Executes an SQL query and then, using the first row of JDBC result set information returned from the query, evaluates a condition expression to see if it is satisfied.
DatabaseConditionTrigger According to a certain frequency, executes an SQL SELECT statement and then, using the first row of JDBC result set information returned from the query, evaluates a condition expression to see if it is satisfied.
DatabaseQueryAction Executes an SQL query in the engine's database and makes the resulting JDBC result set available to flow chart actions.
DatabaseStoredProcedureAction Calls a stored procedure and makes the results of the stored procedure, if any, available to the flow context.
DatabaseUpdateAction Executes SQL statements in a database.
Decision A special node that makes an explicit decision, also known as a conditional branch.
DelayTrigger This delay trigger pauses, or sleeps, for a while after an execution flow reaches this trigger.
DynamicJavaAction Creates a Java object from a class, then invokes a method on the newly created object.
DynamicMethod Allows arbitrary methods to be called on objects.
DynamicRmiAction Invokes a method on an existing RMI server object that does not implement any specific interface.
Engine The Flux engine that executes flow charts and contains a variety of job scheduling, automated workflow, managed file transfer, and workload automation functionality.
EngineInfo Contains information about an engine in a cluster.
ErrorAction Throws an exception and forces error processing to occur.
Flow Represents a flow from one action or trigger to another.
FlowChart Represents a set of actions (and triggers) and the flows between them.
FlowChartAction Exports a new workflow to an engine.
FlowChartElement Contains the fundamental portions of a running flow context within an executing flow chart.
FlowChartElementIterator Contains multiple flow chart elements that are retrieved from a Flux engine; YOU MUST CALL CLOSE() ON THIS ITERATOR WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED USING IT !
FlowChartIterator Contains multiple flow charts that are retrieved from a Flux engine; YOU MUST CALL CLOSE() ON THIS ITERATOR WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED USING IT !
FlowChartRun Contains information about a flow chart run.
FlowChartRunIterator Contains multiple flow chart runs.
FlowChartTrigger Watches a given namespace until there are no more flow charts in that namespace.
FlowContext Provides information about a particular flow of execution in a flow chart.
FlowContextStatus Represents the state of a running flow context within an executing flow chart.
ForEachAction Abstract interface used by "for each" actions, which iterate over a collection of data.
ForEachCollectionElementAction Makes each element in a collection available for individual processing in a flow chart.
ForEachNumberAction Iterates over an inclusive range of numbers.
ForecastElement Contains information on when a flow chart is expected to fire.
ForecastIterator Indicates when some flow charts that contain Timer Triggers are expected to fire; YOU MUST CALL CLOSE() ON THIS ITERATOR WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED USING IT!
JavaAction Creates a Java object from a class, then invokes a method on the newly created object.
Join A special node that performs an explicit join.
KeyFlowContext Provides the user-defined key to a job listener that was specified when the flow chart was created.
ManualTrigger Fires only when this trigger is expedited.
NullAction Performs no action.
OracleLargeObjectAdapter By default, standard JDBC APIs are used to persist large binary and character data to Oracle databases.
PersistentVariableListener An optional interface whose methods are invoked during the lifecycle of a persistent variable.
ProcessAction Executes a native process or command line program.
RegularExpressionAction Searches for strings in a file or an input string that match a regular expression.
Relative Represents a relative time specification.
RemoteActionListener The listener interface for a remote action.
RemoteKeyFlowContext Provides the user-defined key to a remote job listener that was specified when the flow chart was created.
RestAction Invokes a REST service with support for SSL encryption, security certificates, multipart messages, and other REST capabilities.
Rmi Identifies an RMI server object.
RmiAction Invokes a method on an existing RMI server object.
Split A special node that makes an explicit split, also known as a fork.
TimeExpression Represents a time specification.
TimerTrigger Fires triggers at scheduled dates and times.
Trigger Waits for an event to occur.
VariableManager Manages variables associated with flow charts, actions, and flow contexts.
WebServiceAction Invokes an operation on a Web service.

Class Summary
ApacheDbcpOracleAdapter Built-in adapter to workaround an Oracle limitation when persisting more than 4k bytes of data.
AuditTrailTrigger.AuditTrailTriggerResult Provides the details of the audit trail event that caused this audit trail trigger to fire.
Configuration A specification of how to make or lookup a Flux engine, including selective configuration information that can be updated at runtime.
CronColumn An ordered enumeration of Cron columns used in a Cron-style Time Expression.
DatabaseConditionAction.DatabaseConditionActionResult The result when a DatabaseConditionAction runs.
DatabaseQueryAction.DatabaseQueryActionResult A facade over a JDBC result set that is returned after this action runs.
DatabaseStoredProcedureAction.DatabaseStoredProcedureActionResult A facade over OUT parameters and a JDBC result set, which are returned after an SqlStoredProcedureAction runs.
DatabaseUpdateAction.DatabaseUpdateActionResult The result after this action runs.
DelayTrigger.Delay_Result Deprecated. Use DelayTriggerResult instead.
DelayTrigger.DelayTriggerResult The result when a delay trigger fires.
EngineHelper Helper methods to be used when interacting with the engine and the Flux system as a whole.
ErrorResult Contains error information, including the exception object, when an exception is thrown from a trigger or action in a running flow chart.
ErrorResultElement Contains error information when an exception is thrown from a trigger or action in a running flow chart.
Factory Makes engines, looks up remote engines, and creates other useful objects.
FlowChartAction.FlowChartActionResult The result when a Flow Chart Action finishes executing.
ForEachAction.For_Each_Res Deprecated. Use ForEachResult instead.
ForEachAction.ForEachResult The result from a "for each" action, which indicates whether the end of data has been found.
JBossOracleAdapter Built-in adapter to workaround an Oracle limitation when persisting more than 4k bytes of data.
Main Provides a command line interface to engines and agents.
OracleAdapter Built-in adapter to workaround an Oracle limitation when persisting more than 4k bytes of data.
ProcessAction.ProcessActionResult The result when a process finishes executing.
RegularExpressionAction.RegularExpressionActionResult The result when a RegularExpressionAction runs.
RestAction.RestActionResult The response from the REST service.
StringMapEntry Provides a string-to-string map view of an indexed bean property.
TimerTrigger.Timer_Result The result when a timer trigger fires.
TomcatOracleAdapter Built-in adapter to workaround an Oracle limitation when persisting more than 4k bytes of data.
WebLogicOracleAdapter Built-in adapter to workaround an Oracle limitation when persisting more than 4k bytes of data.
WebServiceAction.WebServiceActionResult The result returned by the Web service, which is not a Flux persistent object and may be a single result object or multi-valued result object, which is returned as an object array whose types are defined by the WSDL.
WebSphereOracleAdapter Built-in adapter to workaround an Oracle limitation when persisting more than 4k bytes of data.

Enum Summary
BusinessIntervalOperation Indicates the kind of set operation that was used to add the corresponding AllowableBusinessInterval to a BusinessInterval.
CacheType Depending on the kind of cache used in a Flux engine, performance can be increased dramatically.
DatabaseType Indicates the kind of database that the engine uses.
RestActionType The kind of HTTP action to perform against a REST service invoked using a Rest Action.
SortOrder The available sorting algorithms for ordering the results from reports and flow chart elements.
SubState Represents valid sub-states in which job execution flow contexts can exist.
SuperState Represents valid super-states in which job execution flow contexts can exist.
WebServiceActionPasswordType The kind of password used to authenticate a secure Web service.

Exception Summary
EngineCommunicationException Indicates that a communication failure, either at a low-level network level or a high-level protocol level, has occurred when working with an engine or related network object.
EngineException Indicates that a general failure has occurred when working with a Flux engine or related object.

Package flux Description

File Orchestration Solutions for Banking and Finance

© 2014 Flux Corporation. All rights reserved.