Package flux.agent

Execution of processes on remote computers to increase overall system throughput and to allow processes to run on computers that contain unique resources


Interface Summary
AgentAction Triggers and actions that can run on an agent implement this interface.
AgentAdministrator Monitors and controls agents.
AgentResult Contains information about a trigger or action that is either currently running or has already finished running on an agent.

Class Summary
Agent Represents an active Flux agent.
AgentConfiguration A specification of how to make a Flux agent.
AgentFileActionResult Contains listings, in various formats, of files that underwent successful file actions on an agent.
AgentFileTriggerResult The result from a file trigger that ran on an agent.
AgentInfo Reports the state of an agent.
AgentProcessActionResult The result when a process finishes executing on an agent.

Enum Summary
AgentProcessCompletionState Indicates how an agent process terminated.
AgentStatus Indicates the status of a Flux agent.

Exception Summary
AgentException Indicates that a general failure has occurred when working with a Flux agent or related object.

Package flux.agent Description

Execution of processes on remote computers to increase overall system throughput and to allow processes to run on computers that contain unique resources

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