Uses of Interface

Packages that use AbstractActionOrTriggerName
flux.audittrail.server Server-side audit trail 

Uses of AbstractActionOrTriggerName in flux.audittrail.server

Subinterfaces of AbstractActionOrTriggerName in flux.audittrail.server
 interface ActionTimeoutEvent
          Logged to the audit trail when a flow chart is running an action, the action takes too long to execute, but the action has not completed yet.
 interface EnteringActionEvent
          Logged to the audit trail when a flow chart enters an action.
 interface EnteringTriggerEvent
          Logged to the audit trail when a flow chart enters a trigger.
 interface ExecutingActionEvent
          Logged to the audit trail when a flow chart executes an action and that action provides an update on its execution status.
 interface ExitingActionEvent
          Logged to the audit trail when a flow chart exits an action.
 interface ExitingActionOnErrorEvent
          Logged to the audit trail when a flow chart exits an action with an error.
 interface ExitingActionOnSignalEvent
          Logged to the audit trail when a flow chart exits an action after signals are raised during execution of that action.
 interface ExitingActionOnTimeoutEvent
          Logged to the audit trail when a flow chart exits an action after signals, including the timeout signal, are raised during execution of that action.
 interface ExitingTriggerEvent
          Logged to the audit trail when a flow chart exits a trigger.
 interface ExitingTriggerOnErrorEvent
          Logged to the audit trail when a flow chart exits a trigger with an error.
 interface ExitingTriggerOnSignalEvent
          Logged to the audit trail when a flow chart exits a trigger after signals are raised while that trigger waits to fire.
 interface ExitingTriggerOnTimeoutEvent
          Logged to the audit trail when a flow chart exits a trigger after signals, including the timeout signal, are raised while that trigger waits to fire.
 interface ExitingTriggerWithoutFiringEvent
          Logged to the audit trail when a flow chart enters a trigger and leaves before the trigger is ready to fire.

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