Package flux.audittrail.client

Client-side audit trail


Interface Summary
AbstractCallEvent Abstract interface for logging client API calls to the audit trail.
EnteringCallEvent Logged to the audit trail when a client API call starts.
ExitingCallEvent Logged to the audit trail when a client API call finishes normally.
ExitingCallWithErrorEvent Logged to the audit trail when a client API call finishes with an error, which is indicated when an exception is thrown.
FlowChartRemovedEvent Logged to the audit trail when a flow chart is removed from the engine.
J2seTransactionCommittedEvent Logged to the audit trail when a database transaction involved in a J2SE client call commits.
J2seTransactionRolledBackEvent Logged to the audit trail when a database transaction involved in a J2SE client call rolls back.

Package flux.audittrail.client Description

Client-side audit trail

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