Uses of Interface

Packages that use AgentResult
flux.agent Execution of processes on remote computers to increase overall system throughput and to allow processes to run on computers that contain unique resources 

Uses of AgentResult in flux.agent

Classes in flux.agent that implement AgentResult
 class AgentFileActionResult
          Contains listings, in various formats, of files that underwent successful file actions on an agent.
 class AgentFileTriggerResult
          The result from a file trigger that ran on an agent.
 class AgentProcessActionResult
          The result when a process finishes executing on an agent.

Methods in flux.agent that return AgentResult
abstract  AgentResult AgentInfo.getLastResult()
          Returns the result of the last execution of a process action on this agent.

Methods in flux.agent that return types with arguments of type AgentResult
abstract  java.util.List<AgentResult> AgentInfo.getExecutingProcesses()
          Returns the commands that this agent is currently executing, if any.

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