
Namespace: (default namespace)
XML Schema: ns0.xsd

Contains information about one line in the Flux logs.



name (type) min/max
timestamp (dateTime) 0/1 Returns the timestamp when this log entry was recorded.
timestampFormatted (string) 0/1 Returns the formatted timestamp when this log entry was recorded.
namespace (string) 0/1 Returns the namespace, if any, contained within this log entry.
engine (string) 0/1 Returns the name of the engine from which this log entry originated.
message (string) 0/1 Returns the message contents of this log entry.


property type description
timestamp timestamp (dateTime) Returns the timestamp when this log entry was recorded.
timestampFormatted timestampFormatted (string) Returns the formatted timestamp when this log entry was recorded.
namespace namespace (string) Returns the namespace, if any, contained within this log entry.
engine engine (string) Returns the name of the engine from which this log entry originated.
message message (string) Returns the message contents of this log entry.