
Namespace: (default namespace)
XML Schema: ns0.xsd

Contains information on when a flow chart is expected to fire.



name (type) min/max
flowChartName (string) 0/1 Returns the name of the flow chart that is expected to fire.
timerTriggerName (string) 0/1 Returns the name of the timer trigger that was referenced when building this forecast.
predictedFiringDate (dateTime) 0/1 Returns an expected firing time of the flow chart indicated by this forecast element. The returned date matches the scheduled trigger date on the flow chart's timer trigger. Note that the actual firing times of flow charts may not directly correspond with predicted firing dates due to a variety of factors.
predictedFiringDateFormatted (string) 0/1 Returns an formatted expected firing time of the flow chart indicated by this forecast element. The returned date matches the scheduled trigger date on the flow chart's timer trigger. Note that the actual firing times of flow charts may not directly correspond with predicted firing dates due to a variety of factors.
endDate (dateTime) 0/1 Returns the date when the referenced timer trigger expires. Timer triggers scheduled to fire on or after this date are expired. Returns null if there is no expiration date. However, although an expiration date may not exist, the referenced timer trigger may expire when its count is exhausted.
endDateFormatted (string) 0/1 Returns the formatted date when the referenced timer trigger expires. Timer triggers scheduled to fire on or after this date are expired. Returns null if there is no expiration date. However, although an expiration date may not exist, the referenced timer trigger may expire when its count is exhausted.
remainingCount (long) 1/1 Returns the number of remaining scheduled firings for the referenced timer trigger. Returns -1 if it is scheduled to fire indefinitely.
timeExpression (string) 0/1 Returns the time expression associated with the referenced timer trigger.
originalScheduledDate (dateTime) 0/1 Returns the original scheduled date for the referenced timer trigger.


property type description
flowChartName flowChartName (string) Returns the name of the flow chart that is expected to fire.
timerTriggerName timerTriggerName (string) Returns the name of the timer trigger that was referenced when building this forecast.
predictedFiringDate predictedFiringDate (dateTime) Returns an expected firing time of the flow chart indicated by this forecast element. The returned date matches the scheduled trigger date on the flow chart's timer trigger. Note that the actual firing times of flow charts may not directly correspond with predicted firing dates due to a variety of factors.
predictedFiringDateFormatted predictedFiringDateFormatted (string) Returns an formatted expected firing time of the flow chart indicated by this forecast element. The returned date matches the scheduled trigger date on the flow chart's timer trigger. Note that the actual firing times of flow charts may not directly correspond with predicted firing dates due to a variety of factors.
endDate endDate (dateTime) Returns the date when the referenced timer trigger expires. Timer triggers scheduled to fire on or after this date are expired. Returns null if there is no expiration date. However, although an expiration date may not exist, the referenced timer trigger may expire when its count is exhausted.
endDateFormatted endDateFormatted (string) Returns the formatted date when the referenced timer trigger expires. Timer triggers scheduled to fire on or after this date are expired. Returns null if there is no expiration date. However, although an expiration date may not exist, the referenced timer trigger may expire when its count is exhausted.
remainingCount remainingCount (long) Returns the number of remaining scheduled firings for the referenced timer trigger. Returns -1 if it is scheduled to fire indefinitely.
timeExpression timeExpression (string) Returns the time expression associated with the referenced timer trigger.
originalScheduledDate originalScheduledDate (dateTime) Returns the original scheduled date for the referenced timer trigger.