Package flux.file

File triggers and actions


Interface Summary
DoubleFileParameter Used in file actions that operate using a source set of file parameters and a target set of file parameters.
FileCopyAction Copies a group of source files and directories to a group of targets.
FileCreateAction Creates a group of files and directories.
FileCriteria Represents a group of files and directories that are used in a file operation.
FileDeleteAction Deletes a group of files and directories.
FileExistTrigger Fires when specified files and directories exist.
FileFactory Creates file triggers and actions and other helper objects used by file triggers and actions.
FileModifiedTrigger Fires when specified files and directories are modified.
FileMoveAction Moves (renames) a group of source files and directories to a group of targets.
FileNotExistTrigger Fires when specified files and directories do not exist.
FilePattern Represents a group of files and directories that are used in a file operation, including a count that can be specified to denote the minimum number of files that must match the file pattern when wildcards are used.
FileRenameAction The exact same behavior as FileMoveAction.
FileStableTrigger Abstract interface that defines a measure of stability that must exist before a file trigger can fire.
FileTransferInfo Contains information about a file being transferred by a file action.
FileTrigger Abstract interface that fires when specified files and directories change state.
FtpCommandAction Executes a sequence of commands on an FTP, SFTP, or FTPS host.
FtpFileListParser Contains the methods that a custom FTP file list parser must implement in order to provide FTP actions with the ability to parse non-standard FTP directory listings.
FtpHost Represents an FTP host on a network.
FtpSslHost Represents an FTP-over-SSL (FTPS) host on a network.
Host Abstract interface that represents a host on a network.
IncludesFileCriteria A specification of files that are involved in a file operation.
LocalHost Represents the local file system.
NetworkHost Abstract interface that represents a computer on a network.
PgpBaseKey Base PGP key interface used to represent both public and private PGP keys.
PgpKeyPair Encapsulates a PGP public and private key pair.
PgpPrivateKey PGP private key.
PgpPublicKey PGP public key.
RenameableDoubleFileParameter Indicates that files should be renamed while being operated upon in a file operation.
Renamer Using a pre-defined renamer or substitution algorithm, returns an output string based on the input string and the renamer substitution algorithm.
SecureFtpHost Represents a Secure FTP (SFTP) host on a network.
SingleFileCriteria Specifies a target zip file in a File Zip Action.
SingleFileParameter File operations that use a single set of file parameters.
TargetFileCriteria Represents the destination directory on a particular host for a file action.
UncHost Represents a UNC file system for accessing Windows shares.

Class Summary
FileActionResult Contains listings, in various formats, of files that underwent successful file actions.
FileDecryptPgpAction Decrypts a set of PGP-encrypted files.
FileEncryptPgpAction Encrypts a set of files using PGP encryption.
FileInfo Contains information about a file.
FileTrigger.File_Res Deprecated. Use FileTriggerResult instead.
FileTrigger.FileTriggerResult File trigger result, which contains matching files and directories from a concrete file trigger.
FileUnzipAction Decompresses a single zip file into a specified directory.
FileZipAction Compresses a set of files into a single file using zip compression.
FtpCommandAction.FtpCommandActionResult The result when an FTP command action finishes execution.
PgpKeyFactory Makes PGP public/private key pairs that can be used in conjunction with PGP file actions.

Enum Summary
FtpSslEncryptionProtocol Used in conjunction with FtpSslHost to indicate the encryption protocol used when communicating with an FTP-over-SSL (FTPS) host on a network.
FtpTransferMode Indicates the transfer mode to use when transferring files using FTP, Secure FTP (SFTP), or FTP-over-SSL (FTPS).
PgpEncryptionAlgorithm Available PGP encryption algorithms.
PgpKeyType Available PGP key types.
SortOrder The available sorting algorithms for ordering the results from file triggers.

Exception Summary
FileActionException Indicates that an error has occurred in a file action and contains file listings for successful and unsuccessful file operations that occurred before the file action failed.
FileTransferException Indicates that a general file transfer failure has occurred when working with a file action or trigger.

Package flux.file Description

File triggers and actions

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